
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends!

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to share with you what I will be doing in the next year. I have recently accepted a spot on the World Race, where I will have the opportunity to partner with 6 organizations around the world! I will be on a team of around 35 people who are also eager to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth while partnering with established organizations. We will have training this August and leave for cental America in September. 

We will be working with many different people groups, cultures, and religions, with a focus on telling people that Jesus made a way for them to have eternal life. I am excited to have a year dedicated on also growing my personal relationship with God, as I will have finished nursing school and will have a greater amount of time to listen to what He is saying. I cannot wait to leave this Fall and am preparing my heart for missions even now. 

In Guatemala we will be focusing on church activation, discipleship and community development. I personally am so excited to be going back to Antigua, because I was able to visit this past October for a friend’s wedding. I met many people who work with Adventures in Missions, and I cannot wait to be able to work alongside them! In Romania we will be partnering with HOPE Church, where we will be evangelizing, working with children and student ministries along with the local church’s outreach.  We may also have the opportunity to work with people in Albania and Kosovo, sharing the Gospel with unreached people groups. In Jordan we will be meeting many refugees and Muslims. I am so excited to be in country where Jesus walked and was baptized. In Thailand we will be working with anti-trafficking ministries and church planting. 

Thank you for listening to a little bit of what God has called me to in this next season! I cannot wait to share more with you. Please subscribe to my blog for updates and go to the About Me page to learn more about my heart for missions.

I would appreciate prayer as I finish nursing school and graduate this May. Also pray that God will bring more people on our team. Pray for the countries we will be visiting, that God is already preparing their hearts, and making a way for us to get to them. Pray for the ministries that are also established, who spend every day of their lives living out the life God has called them to. I also praise God in advance for bringing people in my life who have the desire to pray alongside me and financially support me to be able to go into the world. 


Guatemala October 2021 

One response to “Why I am going on The Race”

  1. Abby, so cool that God is sending you to places that you are excited about, and has placed a desire on your heart to partner with people. I am currently in month 11 of my race, and am encouraged by your excitement for what is to come. The Race has been so filling because God moves, and uses this time not only to encourage others through you, but to encourage you through others. I pray this season of preparation would be one where you are so encouraged by those around you!